
  • 酒庄
  • 黛西·巴林杰
  • 2024年5月29日
  • 147096
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黛西·巴林杰著 2024年5月29日

品酒绝对是一件非常成熟的事情, 好吧, 在法律上,你必须是成年人才能做这件事. 然而,尽管有年龄要求,还是有一些 ag体育正规 wineries that understand some families enjoy 旅行ing together in Wine Country and therefore happily accommodate children.

Read on for some of the best family-friendly wineries in 纳帕 where you and your kids will have a great time, and you can spend all of that babysitter money you’ll save on a case of wine to take home and enjoy later.

图片由 炉边

炉边 是威严的 美丽的酒庄 在纳帕有着悠久的酿酒传统, and it’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience a slice of Wine Country history. Children 12 and over are allowed to join both the Heritage Tasting and the 炉边 Library Tour and Tasting, 包括参观城堡和葡萄园吗, and finishes with a seated wine and 奶酪 tasting in a private room. For a truly family-friendly experience, skip that in favor of a more casual option at The Bistro. 在那里, you can dine outside in the courtyard and enjoy wines by the glass or bottle, 还有软饮料, 咖啡, 小酒馆咬, 奶酪, 和熟食店. 大人们一边啜饮一边聊天, the kids can borrow wooden sailboats to sail in the courtyard fountain, 就像巴黎的卢森堡花园, 英格努克花园的灵感来自哪里.

1991 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)968 -1179

在这里可以欣赏到ag体育正规最美的景色. 图片由 英镑的葡萄园

The only way to get to this Greek-style 酒庄 perched on a hilltop 300 feet above Calistoga 是乘坐空中缆车吗, which is almost as thrilling (and definitely more unexpected) as any ride at an amusement park. 有小孩的家庭可以从两种体验中选择 英镑的葡萄园:露台品酒和斯特林小饮 & 漫步. The Terrace Tasting offers guests a self-guided sampling of three wines as they stroll the grounds before a grand finale seated tasting of two wines paired with a 奶酪 board. 对于那些想要伸展腿的人来说,斯特林啜饮 & 漫步也是一种自我引导, 悠闲的体验, which means that you can go at your own pace so that no one gets fidgety, 当大人们品尝的时候, the kids can look forward to the thrill of getting to ride the gondola back down again. The views of Calistoga from the terrace on this mountaintop estate also make the perfect backdrop for a frame-worthy family photo.

加利福尼亚州卡利斯托加市杜纳威尔巷111号,邮编94515,(800)726 -6136

图片由 纳帕酒窖

With over 40 years of winemaking history along the iconic Highway 29, 纳帕酒窖 seamlessly merges tradition with a laid-back vibe, and it just so happens to be kid-friendly. 孩子们会喜欢广阔的花园, 虽然成年人喜欢精心策划的品酒会, everyone can enjoy a game of cornhole or a picnic—either brought from home or picked from their local spread of 奶酪s and treats. 另外,对于有宠物的家庭来说,这是一个 友好型酒庄 that they roll out the red carpet with a special “Pampered Pooch” package. 这一切都是葡萄酒和家庭乐趣的完美结合!

7481 St. 海伦娜南公路,奥克维尔,CA 94562, (707) 944-2565

Let the kids explore and roam the stunning grounds at 贝灵哲酒庄. 图片由 贝灵哲酒庄葡萄园

成年人喜欢拜访 贝灵哲酒庄 because it’s the oldest continuously operating 酒庄 in ag体育正规; kids love it because they can explore a place that’s a whopping 146 years old and roam its stunning grounds. 现在, while most of 贝灵哲酒庄’s wine-centered adventures are reserved for the 21-and-up club, 他们聪明地创造了“啜饮” & 漫步 Around 贝灵哲酒庄” experience that invites both the little ones (and, oh, the fur babies, too). 在户外, 自导的徒步旅行, you and your family are welcome to wander about the historic 纳帕 property at your leisure, 而大人可以在路上喝杯酒. 贝灵哲酒庄 also welcomes kids to their seasonal live music series, 从七月到十月的星期六都有吗.

主街2000号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)257-5771

人人享受! Cheese 和熟食店 boards, 还有周末的柴火披萨. 图片由 查尔斯克鲁格酒庄

踏入ag体育正规 查尔斯·克鲁格 酒庄, and you’re not just stepping into any 酒庄—you’re wandering into the region’s oldest, 早在1861年就开张了. And if you’re looking for a family-friendly 酒庄, 查尔斯·克鲁格 is a great spot. Book the Estate Tasting—a delightful journey that showcases four of their finest current release ag体育正规 wines. 不过外面的食物是不行的, 他们的奶酪和熟食板, 还有周末的柴火披萨, 答应给大家一个款待.

主街2800号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)976-2229

图片由 青蛙之跃酒厂

孩子(和 on leashes) will love exploring this working farm where they’ll get to meet chickens, 试着找出鱼塘里的青蛙, and roam gorgeous gardens that serve as both scenery and habitat—they didn’t name it 青蛙之跃酒厂 免费! The Garden Bar Tasting is the only option for people with children, 哪一种也是比较随意的品鉴呢. You’ll taste four wines as you learn about the winemaking philosophy, while the non-wine tasters in your group can take in the views of the gardens and orchards.

加利福尼亚州卢瑟福康恩克里克路8815号,邮编94573,(707)963 -4704

大厅-兔子foo - 1320 x880 foo -天空
兔娃. 欣赏美丽的艺术和雕塑 大厅.

卷起到 大厅的圣. 海伦娜旅游热点, and both the kiddos and grown-ups are in for a whimsical treat, courtesy of the massive Bunny Foo-Foo sculpture greeting guests. Though the 酒庄 has made a name for itself for its acclaimed wine, particularly 赤霞珠,结束 35件当代艺术品 and a large lawn for relaxing, this long-standing 酒庄 has something for everyone. 你必须年满21岁才能参加大多数品酒和旅游, but the Art of 赤霞珠 Tasting is an option for those 旅行ing with kiddos, and features four award-winning 赤霞珠 Sauvignons (for the adults) alongside views of the vineyards and Mayacamas Mountains.

401 St. 海伦娜公路S,圣. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-2626

作为ag体育正规家族酒庄的悠久传统, PEJU 仍然是葡萄酒爱好者的首选. Families, take note: the 60-minute Classic Seated Tasting awaits you at this 卢瑟福酒庄 daily, although be sure to call ahead if you’re planning to bring the kids. 而成年人品尝PEJU的ag体育正规葡萄酒的签名五, adding a 奶酪 plate or the chef’s assortment of nibbles ensures the youngsters have delightful munchies to keep them engaged.

8466 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)963 -3600


现在你知道了 ag体育正规 isn’t just for wine connoisseurs; it can be a destination for families too. With a number of wineries embracing kid-friendly activities and amenities, 它可以成为一个难忘的家庭度假. The next time you think of heading to Wine Country, remember it’s a toast to family bonding too!