Top 10 Things to do in Napa Valley During Summer

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Things To Do

Top 10 Things to do in Napa Valley During Summer

By Dena Roche June 30, 2023

Beautiful weather, bucolic landscapes, a plethora of outdoor activities, 还有一些最好的食物和酒在这个国家制造 Napa Valley a top summer vacation destination. Whether you’re traveling with your partner, friends, or even the kids, California’s premiere Wine Country has something for everyone. From wine tasting to outdoor excursions,以及介于两者之间的一切,这里是夏天去ag体育正规度假必做的10件事.

Make Time for Picnic Pleasures

picnic in the vineyards
Photo courtesy of Bob McClenahan Photography

Nothing says summer like an old-fashioned picnic, and in Napa picnics go glam at tasting rooms around the region. Book any tasting experience at Tamber Bey in Calistoga, and you can add on a picnic lunch to enjoy in the courtyard near the horses. 如果你想找人帮你料理食物,那就不要错过高架 Estate Picnic Experience at Merryvale, 一个令人印象深刻的美食野餐体验设置在风景如画的山脊俯瞰山谷和葡萄园.

Sip and Swirl

Mumm Napa sparkling wines
Enjoy sparkling wines in a relaxed setting. Photo courtesy of Mumm Napa

The heart and soul of Napa is its wine culture, 如果没有在该地区的一些顶级景点品尝葡萄酒,那么这趟旅行就不完整 wineries. 以其起泡酒而闻名,享受一杯世界级的起泡酒和令人惊叹的景色 Mumm Napa‘s outdoor patio. Visit Napa’s oldest winery, Charles Krug,品尝充满活力的长相思和奢华的单一葡萄园 Cabernet Sauvignons. 查尔斯克鲁格还提供出色的夏季活动,如龙虾煮, Festival Napa Valley, and Tastings on the Lawn. Exclusive to those who visit, the Miljenko’s Tasting at Grgich Hills Estate 其特色是由创始人Miljenko“Mike”Grgich亲自挑选的葡萄园酿制的葡萄酒, which you can enjoy while taking in the vineyard views. While Pine Ridge Vineyards is known for its Cabernet Sauvignon, 当你参观这座坐落在阿尔卑斯山区的美丽庄园时,不要错过品尝它独特的白诗南/维欧尼混合酒 Stags Leap AVA. Dating back to the late 1800s, Stags’ Leap Winery has developed a cult-like following for its Petite Sirah, which is featured in its Take the Leap tasting.

如果你正在寻找一个真正独特的以葡萄酒为中心的夜晚, Savor After Hours offers guests a one-of-a-kind immersive performance experience. You’ll marvel at the cabaret show that features dance, music, illusion, 更多的,而啜饮卓越的选择从酒厂,如 Peju, Raymond Napa Valley, and Venge.

Seek Out Summer Springs

自19世纪以来,人们就前往ag体育正规寻找在该地区发现的矿泉. 今天,你可以在装修过的卡利斯托加酒店享受一下治愈之水 Dr Wilkinson’s Backyard Resort & Mineral Springs在那里,你可以在火山灰泥浴中排毒,然后在温泉矿泉池中浸泡. Nearby, the five-star Spa at Solage 也让客人有机会在其矿物池放松, which range from 98 to 103 degrees, 在浴室仪式中加入红外线桑拿和桉树蒸汽.

Savor the Sound of Music

listen to live music
Photo Courtesy of Unsplash, Photographer Jens Thekkeveettil

在夏季的几个月里,整个ag体育正规都充满了音乐的声音. One of the most popular outdoor live music venues is Oxbow River Stage, located in downtown Napa, 从6月到9月举办了11场夏季音乐会,并邀请了像查理·威尔逊这样的演员, Pixies, and Train. 结合葡萄酒和音乐与蓝音符纳帕夏季音乐会系列在 Silverado Resort. If you’re in Napa this July, don’t miss the Festival Napa Valley这是一个为期16天的音乐和舞蹈节,在纳帕的各个地方举行. If you miss it, then definitely save the date for next year. For theater fans, the Broadway & Vine 系列包括七场夏季演出,每场都有不同的百老汇明星表演. But that’s not all; you can see a full list of live music events in Napa Valley here.

Delight Your Taste Buds

gourmet dish, lunch or dinner
Photo Courtesy of Unsplash, Photographer Margherita Turrin

纳帕可能以葡萄酒而闻名,但它的美食紧随其后. Using only locally and regionally sourced ingredients, Lucy Restaurant at the Bardessono Resort & Spa in AG体育平台 crafts a vegetable-forward seasonal menu. 想要体验法国风情,就去托马斯·凯勒的米其林星级餐厅吧 Bouchon Bistro 如蜗牛搭配餐厅的独家葡萄酒, 来自该地区一些最好的酿酒师的葡萄酒. For more French flair try Bistro Jeanty, also in AG体育平台, with its fantastic take on Coq au Vin.

Executive Chef Philip Tessier, 曾在米其林三星餐厅法国洗衣店任职的人, Per Se, and Le Bernardin, brings his kitchen chops to PRESS in St. Helena, where the menu highlights the very best of the region. 想要一站式品尝ag体育正规的风味,就去纳帕市中心吧 Oxbow Public Market to enjoy restaurants like C Casa and Eiko’s at Oxbow, or to pick up picnic supplies from Oxbow Cheese & Wine Merchant or Milestone Provisions.

Explore the Region on Two Wheels

bike ride in Napa Valley
Take a bike ride and discover the beauty of Napa Valley. Photo Courtesy of Bob McClenahan Photography

One of the best ways to explore Napa Valley is by bicycle. Bike through beautiful north Napa on a Calistoga Cycling and Wine Tasting Tour, visiting two wineries during the 12-mile, mostly flat ride. The guided experience includes use of a hybrid bike and helmet, unlimited water, and a Wine Country picnic lunch, with stops for wine along the way. And further south, grab your bikes to ride along the beautiful Napa Valley Vine Trail, featuring 12.从南纳帕到AG体育平台有5英里的连续小径,还有更多的路要走. Or, 如果你是那种喜欢舒适的豪华旅游车上风吹过你头发的人, don’t miss the unique Open-Air wine tour with California Wine Tours, which will have you cruising Wine Country in style.

Soar in the Sky

Napa Valley Balloons
Sunrise hot air balloon ride, Courtesy of Napa Valley Balloons.

毫无疑问,连绵起伏的山坡和葡萄园, Napa Valley is a beauty. 欣赏风景的最佳方式之一是在空中漂浮 hot air balloon. Join Napa Valley Balloons for a unique Balloon and eBike Tour, 行程包括早晨的空中翱翔,然后骑电动车游览不同的酒庄. 或者,冒险乘坐热气球,并在飞行后享用香槟早餐 Napa Valley Aloft.

Experience The Great Outdoors

woman hiking in the forest
Photo Courtesy of Unsplash, Photographer Jake Melara

In the heart of Napa, Bothe-Napa Valley State Park 提供徒步小径,让游客在海岸红杉和道格拉斯冷杉森林中漫步, madrone, and tanoak trees. After the walk, cool off in the park’s swimming pool. The Sugarloaf Ridge State Park is full of delights, 从沿着索诺玛溪的自然小径到从秃头山山顶看到旧金山金门大桥和内华达山脉的机会. 罗伯特·弗格森天文台就在公园里,有三台望远镜供公众观赏.

See New Sights

Old Faithful Geyser in Calistoga, CA
Old Faithful Geyser, Courtesy of Calistoga Chamber of Commerce

Step back 3 million years at Calistoga’s Petrified Forest. 这片古老的森林是在一次火山爆发摧毁了沿途的红杉之后形成的. 今天,游客可以徒步两条小径中的一条,近距离欣赏这个独特的自然地标. Mother Nature is also on display at California’s Old Faithful Geyser. One of three geysers in the world with this name, 强大的间歇泉大约每小时喷发一次,当它喷发时,通常会留下美丽的彩虹,非常适合你的Instagram照片.

Drive or bike Napa’s most iconic wine road, The Silverado Trail. 这条双车道高速公路建于1852年,让游客以比29号高速公路更悠闲的速度蜿蜒穿过葡萄酒之乡. The 30-mile trail winds through hills and rolling vineyards, offering a different slice of Napa Valley. Since 1972, The Napa Valley Museum has documented the local history of Napa, showcased local and regional artists, and brought world-class art exhibitions to AG体育平台.

Make a Splash

Paddle boarding on the river. Bob McClenahan Photography
Paddle boarding on the river. Photo Courtesy of Bob McClenahan Photography.

当水银柱上升时,最好的降温方法之一就是去贝里萨湖, 它是纳帕最大的湖泊,也是加州最大的淡水湖之一. Kayak, paddle board, jet ski, or simply jump in the water. With little crowds and calm waters, the Napa River provides the perfect setting for paddleboarders, and Napa Valley Paddle is the go-to for SUP rentals. 在森林、潮汐湿地和山脉边享受划桨的宁静. 一路上,水獭、海龟和鸟类可能是你唯一的同伴.

If you want to float down the river with less effort, book a Napa Valley Gondola cruise. 选择山多洛游船之旅,自带葡萄酒和奶酪, 或者选择私人夫妻品酒之旅,你可以在河上漂流时品尝卡德尔家族葡萄酒公司的葡萄酒. Both experiences feature Italian serenades from your gondolier.

美丽的风景,温暖的天气,温馨的品酒室, fantastic food, and a host of outdoor adventures to be had, Napa Valley is a slam dunk for a summer getaway.